Sun 12 Jan
a impeccable perfection kinky on another level delivering goodies - 24
(Hattiesburg, Jackson, Meridian, Mississippi, North Mississippi, Southwest Mississippi)
🌝Beautiful day to come out and play 🚕 Outcall Specials!!! 🚕 - 28
(Hattiesburg, Outcall Specials! NO AA!)
Freaky Friday with Harley Quinn. Start your weekend off right! - 35
(Hattiesburg, Hattiesburg hwy 49)
(Hattiesburg, Hattiesburg/MS(601 579 7991))
Sat 11 Jan
**RuSh***RuSh*** Hurry** Hurry** Lovr** ** 2** Me** - 41
(Hattiesburg, With u n Hattiesburg...Hwy 49)
Open minded, Fetish Friendly with a Gorgeous Body - 19
(Biloxi, Hattiesburg, In town, Jackson, Meridian, North Mississippi, Southwest Mississippi)
(¯`´¯) »•*°—GORGEOUS—— •*° ——SEDUCTIVE ——°*SWEETY !(¯`´¯) - 23
(Biloxi, Hattiesburg, incall/outcall, Jackson, Meridian, North Mississippi)
★ I__ CAN __ DO __ MAGIC __ TRICKS WITH MY LiPS HiPS & FiNGER TiPS!!!! - 25
(Hattiesburg, hattiesburg/local areas)
💚👀FuturE🌍(P)(O)(R)(N) 👀⚡STAR⚡💆NiCe SLoW👅 S!o(P)(P)y🎩💆❤EbonY👀❤ PinK🍪👀CreAmY LockET❤👑💚 - - 22
(Hattiesburg, • Location: Hattiesburg, Laurel In/Outc)
Get ready for love in 10 min! - 23
(Biloxi, Hattiesburg, Jackson, Meridian, North Mississippi, Southwest Mississippi, Donetska)
Here is a list of every Erotic Massage Parlor in Your Town. Find out what they do & don't do
(Biloxi, Hattiesburg, Jackson, Meridian, North Mississippi, Southwest Mississippi)
(Hattiesburg, Hattiesburg/MS(601 579 7991))
*¨¨*-:¦: CAUTION *-:¦:-* YOUR__ NEW *-:¦:-* ADDICTION*¨¨* HOT AND STEAMY *-:¦:- @BALI - 27
(Hattiesburg, Hattiesburg/MS(601 579 7991))
》》》》♥Im Even Better In Person 100% M€《《《《♥Gorgeous Vixen♥ BOOTYLOVERS ♥♥ - 24
(Hattiesburg, Hattiesburg ♥ Outcall ♥)
{ 42 DDD'S} 24/7 u TELL mE hOW U wANT iT! if She wANT i WELL! HAttIesburg & COLUmbia - 25
(Hattiesburg, Columbia & HattiesBurg! 24/7)
Fri 10 Jan
*°☆-:¦:- UpScaLe TER & ECCIE ReVieWeD EbOnY BeaUtY @ -:¦:- !! ☆°* - 25
(OutCaLL to Hotels & UpScaLe Residences!)
—————NEW OPEN & MANAGEMENT! —— BALI ASIAN SPA—— NEW———STAFF ——— 601 579 7991———CALL ———N—O—W—!!—— - 27
(Hattiesburg, Hattiesburg/MS ——————————601 579 7991)
★❤ ▄▀★▀▄❤ HOT! X- RATED!! ������JaW- DR0PpiNg *.♦•° SeARch- ST0PpiNg .♦•* TOY SHOW!!! ★❤ ▄▀★▀▄❤ - 25
(Hattiesburg, Hattiesburg Hwy 49/Incalls/Outcalls)
Get the Emergency Money you Need!
(Biloxi, Hattiesburg, Jackson, Meridian, North Mississippi, Southwest Mississippi, Donetska)
•★BrANDNEW!! ;*• {IM} •:*•☆¨*:• {The FREAK} • :*★¨*: •{YOU} •:*¨•☆*:• {WANT}*$60 SPECIALS AVAILABLE - 24
(Hattiesburg, Hattiesburg hwy59 upscale)
Thu 09 Jan
ello. I'm Brittany New Inn Town🏡 Take a break from your stressful lifestyle and enjoy a 💋SEXY SEN - 20
(Hattiesburg, 49hwy)
❤ N__O__T__ H__ I __ N__G __ ❤ C__ O__ M __ P __ A __ R __ E __S ❤@BALI - 29
(Hattiesburg, Hattiesburg/MS(601 579 7991))
💋 miss kinky Katt! Ur be$t kept $ecret! Come n make me PURrr! - 28
(Hattiesburg, Hattiesburg n surrounding counties)
My (( W A I S T )) Pet!te ----------My (( P!ne APPLE )) Sweet --------My (( Booty)) Unique - 21
(Hattiesburg, Hwy 49)
► ೋ • ❤ • I LOVE WHAT I DO • ❤ • AND SO WILL YOU • ❤ • ೋ ◄ - 26
(Hattiesburg, hattiesburg.. laurel outcalls)
(¯`★´¯) I____DO____ ★ __W_A_Y __ ★ __B_E_T_T_E_R__ (¯`★´¯) @ BALI - 29
(Hattiesburg, Hattiesburg/MS(601 579 7991))
Wed 08 Jan
HiGh MAintEnce🏆ToP Quailty😍SuPEr So@K€r MoDEL* - 21
(Hattiesburg, Trucker Parking-Mo@n!ng on Your Po!€🏊)
⚡⚡ ELECTRA Here ⚡⚡ Your FunSize treat ⚡ Get ready for an Electrifying Time ⚡⚡ INcall and OUTcalls ⚡ - 21
♛•✦• ((H0T)) ❤ PUT ME 0N Y0UR T0 D0 LIST ❤ (( A1-Approved.. )) •✦•♛ - 24
(Hattiesburg, Hattiesburg (last day specials))